Meetup to talk UFOs and all the implications
Meetup for science, fiction, and sex talk.

Chapter Nineteen


For those who come to this meetup chapter from internet links, I encourage you to read my site from the beginning. I have been told my writings are rather deep and esoteric and fascinating, but also many say crazy and nonsense and boring. Obviously, if you are coming to this page from and you're a mature adult over the age of 18 (and requires this even to be on their site), you can decide this for yourself. Front entry of this site is at Alpha, and my way of thinking might make more sense if read from the beginning. Back entry of this site is at Omega, and this link has good summary information/launch links, but also has real-time chat where one can often catch me online instantly, if one has any questions.

Since I was never taught anything about how that so-called "evil religion" has any relevance to real life, and all of Canadian society seems to have similar dismissive attitude, I had to learn the hard way from the school of hard knocks called real life that that "evil religion" is very relevant to every thought/word/deed of everyday life, but in parabolic/symbolic form that most seem unaware of. Having attacked & bitched & complained on the real God for significant answers to the theology of suffering, God eventually "explained" the truth to me by experience. I don't expect my way of thinking to make total sense unless one has had similar experience(s) in life. Nonetheless, for a variety of reasons, I consider myself a facilitator of deeper implications and decided to start some meetup groups (in addition to this site) to attempt to start wider personal one-on-one discussions about "God's deeper ways" than seems most understand. My motivations are my continuing education through verbal expression, learning from others' experiences/words, perhaps make a few friends, practice for open contact, training others for this event too (who realize there is more going on than meets the eye), etc..., but I am not out to "save souls". I enjoy deconstructing religious lies, not perpetuating them. An Almighty loving Heavenly Father does NOT need my help, or ANY created being's help (ie angels) to do ANYTHING. Just because God gives us something to do, does not mean He needs us to do it. Just because God gives us something to do, does not mean He needs us to do it. That's why salvation itself is NOT based on anything we do, but rather what we believe. I believe what I just wrote and that is deep mature faith and salvation "evidence" right there to know such a thing. Nonetheless, I have put much effort and time into creating this site, but I didn't have to in order to "save my soul" (or anybody's for that matter), and my efforts count nothing towards my salvation, which is a free gift from God. I just did it because God asked me to and I can; this site is unlike anything you will ever encounter. We learn from our mission/experience and ultimately profit. It is for our benefit, not God's. Yes, religious organizations lie in order guilt/manipulate money out of naive people for their own gain. No, they do not have good motivations to do this. Yes, God does have good motivations for allowing this and all suffering and all evil. I talk confidently about a literal open contact event, but I have admitted on other pages of my site that allegorical open contact has already occurred for the world; although I can see other more seemingly natural ways the whole endgame could play out, I still strongly believe in a literal open contact event, because of the many reasons I detail on other pages. People generally diss the supernatural too much, but I've had enough legitimate supernatural experiences in this matrix reality to know ANYTHING is possible. Those experiences helped inspire this entire site actually.

Having been born in Canada, I well understand the cultural attitude here is "keep that religious nonsense in your church or private home, as we all know it is a proven scientific fact that we all evolved from apes and there is NO God." I take the mantra a step further and keep it in my private meetup group, but perhaps if there is enough interest, we can start our own unique brand of open air preaching one day. I'm not sure where God is going with all this, but have enough faith to KNOW it is somewhere good. I've learned the hard way not to put blinders on to initial thoughts that come to mind. It is not exactly illegal to do such in Canada, but everybody already knows the superficial gospel about Jesus and doesn't really listen anymore. The true gospel is radical and may or may not have some takers in my local area. I'm trying to test this idea out.

Our meetup group's spiritual warfare debates will probably go many different places, but I desire to keep these three main points in the front of our minds:

  1. Non-fiction "science" side of the story: actual local/cyber meetups at

    3. CALGARY

    I intend to engage people about the ramifications of the UFO phenomenon that even pentagon admits is real! Most people think these beings must be "highly evolved ancient alien-gods" from another planet buzzing us with high tech craft for some strange reason.

    In 2020, the pentagon released UFO videos and admitted it is real non-human craft, as no human made craft can do the things these UFOs can do, and brief excerpt below:

    Nevertheless, Luis Elizondo, the former head of the classified program (Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program), told CNN in 2017 that he personally believes "there is very compelling evidence that we may not be alone."

    "These aircraft -- we'll call them aircraft -- are displaying characteristics that are not currently within the US inventory nor in any foreign inventory that we are aware of," Elizondo said of objects they researched. He says he resigned from the Defense Department in 2017 in protest over the secrecy surrounding the program and the internal opposition to funding it.

    In June 2021, pentagon also released an unclassified report that again admitted there are non-human beings in our skies. The report used techno-babble to obscure saying this clearly, but it was there.

    Excerpt from June 25, 2021 - The UFO pentagon report -- Preliminary Assessment: Unidentified Aerial Phenomena below:

    "Although most of the UAP described in our dataset probably remain unidentified due to limited data or challenges to collection processing or analysis, we may require additional scientific knowledge to successfully collect on, analyze and characterize some of them. We would group such objects in this category pending scientific advances that allowed us to better understand them. The UAPTF intends to focus additional analysis on the small number of cases where a UAP appeared to display unusual flight characteristics or signature management."

    Pentagon techno-babble isn't so hard to decode, is it? They are saying our science is too primitive to understand these UFOs, their flight characteristics and capabilities, and lack of discernible propulsion emissions. I'm not even an expert and I can read it clearly. If you cannot, then you are spiritually asleep to the truth about what is going on. The Matrix has you!

    I am looking to start discussions with those who find this as fascinating as I do. Any can join who desire to understand this phenomenon better and what it portends. At the events we will discuss and decide what it means to us personally and humanity as a whole; there are many rather deep implications. In time, perhaps we can decide other things we can do to increase awareness about the reality of this phenomenon to those who want to know. Many do NOT want to know, and that itself is very telling and interesting to me. Non-human beings are confirmed in our skies, and I find most are just dismissive of the solid evidence for this fact, and do lame debunks of various sorts. I think there are many deep and philosophical reasons why this is (& not simply UFO fatigue) and these reasons directly pertain to your everyday life, although many do not realize this.

  2. Fiction side of the story: actual local/cyber meetups at

    3. CALGARY

    I intend to engage people about how fiction TV shows/books/movies (and especially sci-fi) indoctrinate the masses about "highly evolved ancient alien-gods" (demons really)! Fiction promotes evolution beliefs/ideas more than public education OR science textbooks about Darwin's theory, although authority/majority support for the so-called "fact" of evolution has the masses massively confused. Fiction can also be used to dramatize how evolution ideas are being used to deceive the masses regarding open contact, and also fiction can help undeceive God's people about the truth of what is going on.

    I like to discuss the implications of typical science fiction's evolution message in the context of Creation versus Evolution, and the associated UFO phenomenon and what it portends (about open contact) and means to us personally and humanity as a whole. I know Creation versus Evolution has been debated much before and will never go away, but my take is quite different. If I am right, and humans belong to a Created Beings class of "God" (Revelation 3:14) and Christ Himself is leader of this group, then I hope others can help give me some insight and conversation around this fascination of mine. We are all sort of "evolving into God" then, at the real God's direction.

    Any can join in the conversation who have contemplated existence and consciousness itself and wondered about the great mystery of God's origins and what God is doing in human history, from an existentialism and/or solipsism viewpoint. I aim to promote creative input/speculation around this heady topic and hope to stimulate creative thought experiments to challenge one's thinking and worldview. I especially want to discuss the powerful effect science fiction has on stretching our imaginations to "think outside the box" and create symbolic/parabolic stories to make connections/analogies that speak to our real world situations. The associated UFO phenomenon is related to origins, as these confirmed real UFOs (pentagon even certifies it real) are either highly evolved alien-gods (evolution answer) or demons (creation answer) out to deceive us upon open contact, which I say is coming. Obviously, IMHO, UFOs have been conditioning the world with increasing intensity for many decades now in preparation for open contact. It is generally accepted that World War Two's "Foo fighters" started the modern buildup of increasing UFO sightings. UFOs have been increasingly increasing since 1940s "Foo fighters" (but UFOs have been reported for millennia) and for sure no country had capability to make something like these UFOs back then, and we still can't! I see no other credible option as to what the UFOs can be, other than legitimate highly evolved ancient alien-gods OR demons. Decide for yourself. My site has tons of information about the truth of this matter.

    At events we will simply get together and discuss our theories about the origin of God and associated UFO phenomenon and implications for ourselves and humanity as a whole, and the powerful effect sci-fi has to indoctrinate the masses about evolution's logical end-state: God is just a highly evolved alien and we're all evolving into God too. The internet has good background for preliminary research, and this site reveals my own revelatory information. I can explain my ideas verbally in simplified form at the meetings, but I think it is important to understand that subtle subconscious suggestion in fiction is much more powerful than people realize. For example, this Star Trek Voyager episode summary is similar to the UFO phenomenon in our reality.

    While Voyager is stuck in orbit and can't leave the atmosphere, a planet's inhabitants are inspired by the "sky ship" and attempt to communicate with the ship and eventually build technology to travel into space to meet the Voyager crew. Mere hours for the Voyager crew is equivalent to eons for the inhabitants of the planet, who eventually come together and create the technology to be Voyager's equals.

    This is a good example of a science fiction story to stimulate the kind of debate I like regarding the subtle (yet powerful) brainwashing effect that fiction stories suggest to our subconscious minds. Is the whole UFO phenomenon similar to this Star Trek episode? UFOs have been reported for millennia but have been increasing since end of World War 2. Is open contact coming? Are these "aliens" stuck in our atmosphere like Voyager, mere hours passing for them but thousands of years for us? Will humanity be inspired by the admittedly real UFO phenomenon and start admitting it is real and come together to build better technology to become the equals of these UFO beings? To reiterate point #1 above, the pentagon released UFO videos in 2020 and already admitted UFOs are real and can't be human, and an unclassified pentagon report in June 2021 also admitted UFOs are real and beyond human capacity. Though hidden in pentagon techno-babble, this is what the pentagon is saying.

    Seems the world is already opening up just a little bit and this phenomenon is becoming less fringe with each passing year. What will it be like hundreds of years from now if open contact is delayed that long? Will we meet these beings as equals soon, or hundreds of years from now, or perhaps thousands? Are these beings intentionally trying to inspire humanity this way, perhaps even stimulated Hollywood with such ideas in fiction movies and TV shows to send this subtle message and humans are already helping to indoctrinate the masses that highly evolved aliens are here and we can evolve to become like "gods" like them too? Or is it fear-mongering to suggest they could also be demons out to deceive us with evolution ideas, since perhaps God created the universe in a literal 6 days according to Genesis in the Bible. Such an idea is already mostly seen as primitive nonsense in today's world. Do you think religious people will have more credibility or less in a hundred years?

    This is a good fiction example I hope inspires some debate. I consider myself a facilitator of deeper implications and try to provide balance to not dismiss the idea of God entirely. I see religious people being marginalized and pushed to the side as primitive thinkers with NO credibility, as science and science ideas become the new magical thinking of today's wizards, warlocks, and witches. Technology does seem like magic often, does it not?

  3. Sexual side of the story: actual local/cyber meetups at

    3. CALGARY

    I intend to engage people about the sexual rewards God's promises in scripture! This Wikipedia article talks about the church being Christ's wife. That has a sexual connotation that I find most so-called believers shy away from talking about. I am not like that! In today's sexually crazy world, where anything goes as long as you are consenting adults (put it on the internet even for all to see), I think it is high time people start talking about this concept more. Physical pornography can adversely affect little physical children, but everybody has to grow up sooner or later. I've been told my site is like spiritual pornography and could adversely affect little spiritual children (ie immature believers) if you are not ready for it. Assess your own spiritual state. My site is for mature adults, both physical and spiritual. Read this link for another site page explaining some of the sexual mysteries in scripture. If this page offends you, then you are probably not ready for my meetup group! I desire my group talk freely, as mature adults, about this concept, no negative judgment.

    Here are some examples of the kinds of things I might say at our group meetings regarding this. Since sexual relationship(s) between consenting adults represent(s) mental intimacy with God (ie reading God's mind), fiction also sends subtle message(s) about intimate relations with God. The 1993 movie Indecent Proposal explores the concept of a rich man paying 1 million dollars to sleep with another man's wife, with full consent and knowledge of all involved. There are many ways to interpret movie symbolism, but my initial thought is the committed marriage relationship here represents Christ and His Wife (the church). The man in the movie (Christ) consents to let his wife (representing believers) sleep with another man (ie intimacy with the devil) because they both hope to gain something from this. The million dollars represents the reward the couple hopes to gain to make their lives easier and more enjoyable, but jealousy eventually destroys their relationship. After much conflict and drama, they eventually get back together. The message: God consents to let us come to earth to commit adultery with the devil, which we all do sin/evil everyday to various degrees (tempted by literal but invisible demons), for the hoped for payback of better relationship in the end. After conflict and drama and suffering of various degrees due to this decision, the man and his wife get back together. The movie's conflict & drama & suffering is our lives on earth, and death represents the man (Christ) and his wife (believers) getting back together, indeed with the reward of greater experience and understanding on many levels. This is just a starting metaphorical analysis. We can explore many possible interpretations.

    Another movie example might be 50 Shades of Grey about sadomasochism between a rich man and a woman. The rich man, Christian Grey (even his name is hint), was sexually abused himself as a boy by an older woman. I don't need to tell my readers the story of Christ's abuse at the hands of both human AND demonic forces. Mr. Grey now has need for a woman who can fulfill his compulsion to do similar to her, with her full consent of course. Although he has code words she can use to stop him anytime she feels it is getting out of hand, mishaps and conflict happens, and the woman, Anastasia Steele, cannot fully understand his need for this. The message: Christ was abused (the theology of suffering, which we all get) and there is a mystery around why a sovereign God now causes His Wife similar. She cannot fully understand, and the man does not always fully respect her boundaries, which causes problems. Don't we all feel God causes/allows too much suffering in our own lives and the world as a whole? Can any of us fully understand? My site reveals many mysteries about this. I will never fully understand either, but I understand much and my site is not for the faint of heart.

    I myself have a recurring sexual fantasy when I'm using porn (yeah, big fucking deal...everybody does that these days) where I am in a committed relationship, but part of my job is to be sex slave to my female boss, sometimes behind closed doors during work or we go somewhere at lunch to take care of business etc... I must hide this from my committed partner, but in some variations of the fantasy, she knows and consents because we need the money and the boss pays me very well for my excellent work "performance". own personal message to myself is clear to me. As one of Christ's hot polygamous "wives", I am forced to sin on earth to fit in, make money, and survive. We are all weak and the system just requires we sin, so I let myself go and enjoy it. The ole let yourself go and enjoy your sin reality. Don't we all do that? The female authority figure could represent the devil, who is said to be the god of this world, who I must sex sin with her or I don't make money or eat. My committed relationship would be my relationship with God. In the fantasy, sometimes my spouse (God) knows and sometimes she doesn't, meaning I sin everyday, sometimes with awareness of deeper reasons why a sovereign God is behind this, and sometimes not. Sometimes I am aware of God's presence while I am enjoying my sin and the deeper reasons for it, and sometimes it is like I supernaturally "forget" God is even there and naively think I am enjoying my sin and God doesn't see it.

    Here is an example of a real-life conversation I had with a female bartender at a pub one day. In this case, I had awareness of God's presence and voice as I talked to the woman. I often have these double-talk conversations with a human, while also discerning the Lord speaking to me a secret message at the same time. She was talking about how her boyfriend cheated on her and they broke up. I told her it is a man's nature to want to be an open polygamist, and if a woman forces her man to hide this, he's going to cheat. I know this is a fact because a man's nature is patterned after Christ, and Holy Spirit reminded me in that moment of Old Testament symbolic examples of Christ, the ultimate polygamist: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, King David, and my hero King Solomon with 1000 wives! New Testament says Christ is our spiritual Husband and believers are His Wife, but there are many believers so many wives. Singular Wife (monogamy) refers to similar enough experience in life to the real Christ that it can be said that a true believer lives the life of Christ again in metaphor form, so there is oneness of mind/experience. But multiple Wives (polygamy) is also hidden in scripture as God's highest holiest ideal. This refers to how Christ will share (does share) a collective consciousness with what the Bible calls God's "elect". But it's not like the Borg collective in Star Trek, where you lose your individuality and become a mindless drone. The devilish carnal mind within us all usually immediately thinks God sounds a bit too Borg-like, as in, "You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile." Anyway, I had contemplated this mystery before so understand this well, but at that moment the Spirit simply reminded me. I asked her if she had had sex with women before, and she admitted she had. So, I said she should simply find a woman she wants to be with like a spouse and be openly polygamous with her man and this other woman. The three of them can have a hot open three-way relationship, and she will never have to worry again about her man cheating, as she will be giving him what he needs. I could sense she had never considered this before and she paused to think about it. She tried to defend the position that her morals would not allow that, and I countered that was silly and inconsistent. If she enjoys sex with both women AND men, then she should just do that openly with her man and it would be hot and satisfying relationship for all, assuming they can deal with any mild jealousy/fears of losing out to the other. That can be a danger in polygamy, preferring one over another and eventually breaking the three-way to be exclusive in monogamy. But life is full of dangers, and I say it is more dangerous to force a man to deny his polygamous nature, as it leads to secret cheating, as she found out. She refused to accept this was proper, but I could see the wheels grinding in her head. I suspect I planted the suggestion well enough that she will continue to consider it, and perhaps after months or years of thinking it through, she will realize that I am right and try it. For some more Biblical explanation(s) of this polygamy concept and what God will accomplish by "marrying" His Son off to former enemies please read this link.

    For some supernatural parables that combine all three aspects of our meetup groups (ie UFOs, fiction, godly polygamous marriage), please read:

    1. Superman and the Wonder Women

    2. The 11 Virgins

    3. The Flash

    Warning: these parables express a little bit of physical violence and sexual graphicness, but the Bible is full of this too. Stop being a hypocrite (ya watch all that kinda stuff on TV and movies anyway)!!! This parable about Mr. Smith is a little sexually graphic too, but also explains the mystery of suffering, the good God will bring from it, and in the context of polygamy as well.

So, I hope my readers have a good sense now of what I am about, and I hope there are a few brave souls out there who might risk being a part of a meetup group with me. The easiest way to contact me is simply leave a message on the green chat in the middle left of the screen. I will get back to you about further details. Check my scheduling site webcalendar for places and times for public meetings that anyone is welcome to join at any time.

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