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Chapter Seventeen
If you've read my site thus far, hopefully you have hit on some of the major points and proofs (scientific even) that I have supplied to show that reality itself is NOT what people think it is. Our five physical senses are being "fooled" about a great many things. Without properly tuned five spiritual senses (ie God-thoughts about it all), you will stay stuck in this matrix, unaware of what is going on, and you will never spiritually wake up in this lifetime. If you are unconcerned about this, then you are second resurrection "lake of fire" destined Leah elect. Good for you, and enjoy your death when it comes, for you have taken the blue pill of contented ignorance.
However, if you want to wake up to the full understanding/truth of reality and have a burning need like Neo to take the red pill and KNOW how far the rabbit hole goes, then you are first resurrection destined Rachel elect. Good for you, and we Rachels WILL enjoy our deaths when they come, for we Rachel elect have the courage and willingness to learn potentially unsettling or life-changing truth(s). I have revealed much on this site already, but there is much more to assimilate before open contact. Anybody who reads my site systematically to this point with any degree of open-mindedness will have traveled much down the rabbit hole already. But you ain't seen nothin yet.
Be sure you want to take the red pill. Neo puked and had a hard time adjusting to the full truth, and Cypher became a "Judas" to Morpheus because he wanted/preferred the matrix again after a time. If you have assimilated much of www.theoriginofgod.com so far, you've really only taken half of the red pill, and it has NOT even been absorbed fully into your body's system yet. Cypher said to agent Smith, "Ignorance is bliss." Jesus said similar thing when He said count the cost (Luke 14:28), for truth can be hard and perhaps you prefer ignorance. The next page is called, "The Ultimate Matrix", the beginning page of many that attempt to teach how spiritual warfare manifests in everyday life and show my readers how to both defend yourself AND launch full scale attacks against ALL the final lies the devil and his fallen angels want the world to believe, whether those lies manifest now primarily in your personal life, or communally on a worldwide scale upon open contact soon. "The Ultimate Matrix" is password protected until the Bible prophesied Galatians 1:8 open contact with the supposedly highly evolved ancient alien-gods (demons really), OR until you break the code. Upon open contact, I will release the page(s) for ALL the world to read, but until then only first resurrection destined Rachel elect know how to hack into Zion's mainframe by breaking the encryption code on the next "Ultimate Matrix" page. "The Ultimate Matrix" is disturbing shit only meant for first resurrection human Rachel elect at this time, but I will make it available for all if open contact happens in my lifetime. I am quite confident it will, but Holy Spirit constrains me about the really deep things my intranet "Ultimate Matrix" pages reveal. For those who don't know, the definition of an intranet is a local or restricted communications network, especially a private network to the exclusion of access by outsiders. My private spiritual intranet will become public spiritual internet upon open contact. If you think my site has been deep in some ways so far, ya ain't seen nothin yet! I have admitted on other pages of my site that allegorical open contact has already occurred for the world, and although I can see other more seemingly natural ways the whole endgame could play out, I still strongly believe in a literal open contact event, because of the many reasons I detail on other pages. People generally diss the supernatural too much, but I've had enough legitimate supernatural experiences in this matrix reality to know ANYTHING is possible. Those experiences helped inspire this page specifically, and my entire site actually.
As I've said on previous pages, anybody can read my site and understand bits and pieces, but it is supernaturally impossible to understand it completely AND/OR be motivated by the truth(s) in the correct and motivating way, without supernatural assistance from God! In "The Matrix" movie, even Neo took time to fully assimilate the truth, accept it, and go into the matrix again to fight alongside Zion freedom crowd to help free others. God has got to supernaturally reveal Himself to you, and train you, before you can go back into the matrix and be a Neo, Morpheus, or Trinity. The Zion freedom crowd represents the invisible forces primarily, Father, Son, invisible Rachel elect like the original apostles (not foolish humans I've heard call themselves apostles), light side angels, and lastly even Satan and the dark side angels can be better "friends" than humans, for it is better to fight over truth than be marginalized/mocked/ignored, which is what I find most humans do. The devil is always up for a spiritual fight, when he thinks he has the advantage, so is a good "friend" in that sense and I can learn something in the battle. I have to encourage Satan sometimes even, because when I have spiritual support, the devil is not too keen to fight, just likes to be a bully when he thinks he can win easily.
Canadians do stealth attacks like the devil, but are mostly spiritually immature and just don't see their hypocrisy. Most people in Canada won't engage in overt "evil" religious talk, but they do engage in covert "evil" religious talk. It's called a conversation! Humans hyper-compartmentalize truth, and in Canada, typically I find, as soon as you specifically mention God or quote the Bible people immediately glaze over, act like you are crazy, and will quickly accuse you of pushing religion and walk away, not seeing their own hypocrisy to push their "truth" (ie religion, as religion is an attempt to define truth) right there. The human tendency these days to totally divorce truth from religion is a big problem in today's secular world, and only the elect take up the challenge to accept there is truth in religion, discern the true religion, and then go on to discern what is true in the true religion. Backlash from religious abuses of the historical past cause people to shutdown immediately upon discussion of anything "religious". Defining the term religious, like any word, is open to interpretation and I say subtle "religion" is going on with every conversation, as all conversations are over points of truth, and for sure conflict is spiritual warfare over truth. Just most want to narrowly define religion as specifically talking about who defines truth and what the truth (Jesus) meant by His words in the Bible.
But back to my matrix movie analogies. Human elect are symbolically represented by Zion's freedom crowd too, but don't expect to have many, if any, of these in your flesh life. It is just sad reality that the symbolic 7000 are scattered all over the earth and rarely meet, a truth that eventually forces an elect to press into Holy Spirit personally to get needs for true intimacy met with true invisible spirit family. At this time, that is Father, Son, Rachel elect only, spirit Rachel elect I mean, as the human ones are next to impossible to know for sure. Upon open contact, after a few short years, those human elect who aren't killed and are still left standing in the end, ARE THE HUMAN RACHEL ELECT! For no mere human can withstand what is coming without greater supernatural support from Father, Son, and spirit Rachel elect. Light side angels are like casual acquaintances at work you have cordial relationship with and get along fine, but you are not too interested to hang with them outside work, but probably could for short bouts and have reasonably decent/fun time. Dark side angels are like agents in the matrix, who are good fighters to learn/practice/grow against until you become a Neo, who does not have much trouble with them anymore. Neo wasn't the least bit interested in hanging with agent Smith for some beer and nachos at Boston Pizza. Rather, Neo just enjoyed kicking agent Smith's ass when he got the chance. Just because all angels, both "good" and "evil" can read humans' minds, does NOT mean they really understand an elect.
Father, Son, Rachel elect are like your spouse, who you are happy to live for OR die for, and enjoy spending all your time with. Learning to discern the differences in the invisible forces and detect their influences on your mind is the supernatural art that can be tricky. Click HERE for a decent wordly article that captures some of the flavor of the true spiritual awakening and experience, some of the flavor but not all. The writer of the article seems would probably not understand the difference/distinction between true spirit family verus everybody else. A good line to try to describe it is what Scottish prince, 'Robert the Bruce', said in the movie Braveheart about the difference in fighting warriors he could put on a battlefield versus what William Wallace could do, the inspiration versus compulsion ideas. Robert the Bruce: "I have nothing. Men fight for me because if they do not, I throw them off my land and I starve their wives and their children. Those men who bled the ground red at Falkirk, they fought for William Wallace, and he fights for something that I never had." If you don't understand what I mean by that and how it pertains to spiritual warfare fighting, you need to get out of the matrix.
I can't do better at explaining this difference/distinction than what Mel Gibson's character, William Wallace, said later in the movie. To encourage a much smaller Scottish army (ie the human sons of God, aka human elect, who are only a symbolic 7 thousand strong) against the much larger English army (the spiritual sons of God, aka alien-gods, aka demons, who count in the trillions), which English army had heavy calvary (supernatural abilities), and had never been defeated before in battle against a smaller army WITHOUT heavy calvary (human elect have NO supernatural abilities except faith in the true God, who has Almighty supernatural abilities compared to demons, who only have mighty supernatural abilities...and we always win in the end, just like the Scots did here simply because of this faith), William Wallace said this to a Scottish soldier, who declared they must run if they want to live:
William Wallace: Aye, fight and you may die. Run and you'll live -- at least a while. And dying in your beds many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that for one chance, just one chance to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they'll never take our freedom!!!
And the outnumbered and less well armed Scots fought the English and won! If you don't hear Holy Spirit in my bracketed explanations above, you are stuck in the matrix. If you don't hear Holy Spirit now in my interpretation, you are stuck in the matrix: upon open contact, the Scots are the human sons of God, aka human elect, who will defeat the English, who are the spiritual sons of God, aka alien-gods (demons). If you have that STRONG sense of knowing what I just said is true, congratulations to you. You are elect, or at least well on your way to becoming one. I hope to be alive as "Wallace" to lead the charge, but can't guarantee it. In the movie, Wallace was captured by the English and tortured and killed before his time. But at least he died screaming, "FREEDOM"! Freedom is to know the true difference between "good" and "evil"! Who is right, God or the devil, AND why?! What are the issues of life and the heart truly are all about?! Hear what the Spirit says personally at various times throughout the day! Although Wallace died before defeating the English as completely as he might have liked, 'Robert the Bruce' eventually got it and led the charge for him. In the closing scene, 'Robert the Bruce' led the Scots in victory against the English with his own short but inspiring words, "You have bled with Wallace. Now bleed with me."
If I wanted to flip to a more Biblical parable example, I might say I am a King David spiritual warrior type. "But God said unto me [King David], 'Thou shalt not build an house [temple] for my name, because thou hast been a man of war, and hast shed blood.'" (1 Chronicles 28:3) David wanted to build the temple for the Lord, but accepted God would not allow him the pleasure because he was a man of war and killed many people, spiritual application being I have spiritually warred with many "people", spirit forces in other words...demons for sure, but I've also done lots of "friendly fire" too in my days of ignorance and inappropriate enthusiasm for the fight. I sort of have lots of the Lord's blood Himself on my hands, killed Christ many times so to speak, so might not be allowed to "build the temple" (do my special thing of greeting the alien-gods personally). But David did everything he could to at least make it easy for his son, King Solomon, to build the temple. David collected the wood, gold, silver, made blueprint plans for the temple, etc... so Solomon had a much easier time. Translation: this site and my fiction book is available to any Solomons out there in the world who might come across it on the internet, any such person likened to a spiritual "son", who hears Holy Spirit in my writings and will help make your transition/maturation into an elect less spiritually violent than mine perhaps. While I'm alive, it's easy to contact me for assistance of various kinds. I already know one woman who told me my fiction book helped wake her up, as she realized she was one who "would have been deceived by the aliens." She has my book in her safety deposit box, next to her will, with instructions what she wants done with it upon her death. Some small few have understood what I'm trying to do. Be a King Solomon! Be a 'Robert the Bruce'! Wake up! Get it! I've basically given the world all the answers on this site!
However, I also know comprehension and maintaining knowledge/connection with Father God through Christ by Holy Spirit is supernatural. Nobody can do it all the time. As far as parable analogies go, King Solomon also had 1000 wives, so did lots of sex sin (David was lesser polygamist with 8 wives but still impossible to really love that many women...that is sex sin), so don't follow Solomon in that sense. I mean whoever Rachel elect are alive to greet the alien-gods (demons) upon open contact will have to defeat them, even at the cost of their physical lives (that's not crazy...that's our jobs), and assimilating my site in the proper way can make that job easier, as King David made things easier for his son Solomon to build the temple. As far as sex sin goes, I done my share of that too before I found my polygamist wives. In today's world, who hasn't gone a little sex crazy before settling down with a nice normal two wives? But that's a story for complete discussion another day. :-) I'll just say this much. Not only am I a King David spiritual warrior type but I am a literal polygamist too (like King David AND the Lord Himself is polygamist), and my real life woman "Anna" (represented in this parable) is actually a composite of two real life women. Yes, of course they know each other and we have great threesome sex. We don't hide anything. Polygamy is best done this way, don't you know, and statistically ya gotta know at least some of King Solomon's many wives had to be bi-sexual like my wives are. Hey, the gays started redefining marriage as any two people, and they helped open my eyes to see polygamy must be made legal too one day, as we are also all consenting adults who love each other. I just ain't gonna sit around waiting for the law to catch up to engage in what I know is right; legal marriage gonna be whatever consenting adults wanna it ta be sooner or later. My final bit on this page will be a combination of links about my own reasons to believe we are in a matrix-like simulation, but also links to many credible scientists/leaders, who are starting to agree with me that our reality is more like "The Matrix" movie than most generally realize...
The concept of evolution has been philosophized for millennia but was eventually declared "fact" by authority/majority. In our modern technological age, it probably won't take anywhere near as long for the matrix simulation idea to be declared "fact" too by authority/majority, especially in an open contact situation with supposedly "highly evolved ancient alien-gods" (demons really) who will help us create technology to reproduce their "magic". But the matrix was designed to fool all except the elect, who see through the deception before physical death.
Simulation theory is becoming accepted "fact" too, like evolution theory has become accepted "fact", as both theories explain the ancient teachings in a scientific way; ancient religions and philosophies are being modernized to explain "God" and existence/consciousness itself and what is going on in human history. Wait until open contact, when the dazzling becomes fantastical beyond anything you've seen in the movies to date.
There are some similarities and differences between the two theories, best summed up in the next two sentences. Evolution theory: philosophized for millennia, some parital truth/evidence for the theory in modern times, eventually declared total fact by authority/majority (even though it is NOT). Simulation theory: philosophized for millennia, some parital truth/evidence for the theory in modern times, eventually will be declared total fact by authority/majority (and in this case it is TRUE).
All of apparent reality is subjective and physical existence itself is a myth. Many, many intelligent and credible scientists and leaders are starting to "scientifically" prove this, as much as they think they can "prove" evolution is true and so there is no God. Both evolution and simulation/matrix theory have some partial evidence but one must trump the other. Most scientists claim both are true but don't see their hypocrisy because you cannot totally trust your 5 physical senses if we are in a computer simulation, as any evidence for the age of the universe and fossils etc... could just as easily be false evidence God allowed the devil to supernaturally plant in our reality to deceive. You can't point to things in the matrix to prove how old the matrix is, as it was designed to deceive. Makes sense, don't you think? Below are many, many links to smart and credible people who claim simulation is true AND evolution is true. These smart people include billionaire Elon Musk, Stephen Hawking, astronomer Neil deGrasse Tyson, Silicon Valley entrepreneur and MIT-educated computer scientist Rizwan Virk, Oxford University philosopher Nick Bostrom, etc... It is not just me who is saying this. I am simply the only one God allows, so far, to reveal the complete mystery and truth on the internet. That doesn't make me smarter than these guys, only wise to seek God for real answers and get them. The Biblical flood story, like all scripture, has personal application and symbolic/parable meaning(s). As incredible as it may seem to contemplate, all of reality has the same purpose as the flood story and you cannot trust your 5 physical senses 100%, nor your memories. This idea is called the Omphalos hypothesis, also sometimes called "Last Thursdayism", as in God could have also instantly created everything last Thursday with apparent great age, if His character is such to deceive us that the universe only appears billions of years old when it is actually about 6000 years old according to the Genesis account in the Bible. Obviously, this can be a disturbing idea if you think about it too much or take it too seriously, but since the matrix concept is the latest scientific idea to start mesmerizing the scientists/leaders/shakers, it is something these supposedly smart people need to consider AND have a good answer. Here is an introductory article about some common fears. We elect are here to learn to trust our 5 spiritual senses 100% and only trust our 5 physical senses are true as per what God tells us personally. Reality is what God says it is, end of story. We are in a simulation that exists only for the sake(s) and learning of the elect. The rest of reality (both people and inanimate) is deceptive and under the domain of Satan and demons, who are themselves under the dominion and control of a sovereign God. Satan and demons manipulate humans and inanimate reality as easily as the sovereign God manipulates Satan and demons. They have always ultimately been frustrated to total defeat in the lives of all true elect. They will soon be utterly wiped out and annihilated before the literal second coming of Christ.
Why reality is like The Matrix movie (a simulation) This page, "Chapter Seventeen: DISSERTATION ABOUT OUR MATRIX REALITY", available for reading from the top (click here), if you are coming to this link section for the first time
So, yeah I'm not the only one in history or current reality to come to similar conclusions. However, none have created a website like mine that summarizes the complete picture and demonstrates total understanding of the complete mystery (as much as humanly possible anyway) and what God and Satan are really doing in human history. None have even communicated this information plainly in traditional written/verbal forms available in the past. Now it is all plainly laid out on my site, and with technology, the full truth is easily available to the ENTIRE WORLD! That is another "sign of our times". "And this gospel of the kingdom (the full revelation of the mysteries revealed on my site, NOT the superficial gospel everybody has already heard) shall be preached in all the world (via the internet) for a witness unto all nations (just a witness as God predicts in the Bible most won't heed); and then shall the end come (Christ's literal return is near)." (Matthew 24:14)
What is it all about? Wouldn't you like to know? This is priceless information that humanity has always claimed they wanted to know and has always claimed they seek this truth. So they claim anyway. I should charge billions for it. However, humanity doesn't really want to know the truth on these matters, so one cannot charge for it. My site is extremely offensive and controversial and confusing to even the elect for a time, although I am not intentionally trying to make it so. Human nature just reacts that way and makes it so. Even if I could charge billions for this priceless information, God would not be pleased and support me then. And by "support" I certainly don't mean that I expect God will cause everybody to believe the things I write and say!
"...freely ye have received, freely give..." (Matthew 10:8)
If I tried to charge for all the truth I give away on my site for free, I would be non-elect like virtually everybody else (pun intended, as my site explains how we are all virtual projections). I would also be supernaturally confused by God and unable to understand my own site! That's just how powerful the true God's sovereign power is over your mind while in the matrix! And the same holds true for ALL created beings at the next level after physical death, including Christ Himself. Most people are enraged at the truth(s) revealed on this site. Been there done that. Although I understand how everybody feels, it doesn't change the fact that reality is whatever God says it is. End of story.
1) The Illusion of Normal
2) Revolution in Perception
3) Holographic Reality
4) Seeing the Matrix
5) Decoding the Matrix
6) Reinforcing the Programming
7) Web of Control
8) Mind Games
9) A.I. & the Archons
10) Key to Freedom
11) Awaken the Sovereign Mind
12) The Real Revolution
13) Remember Who You Are
SPECIAL MARK PASSIO VIDEOS First 3 Matrix movie allegorical explanations
Matrix 4 movie: Resurrections, Part 1 allegorical explanation
Matrix 4 movie: Resurrections, Part 2 allegorical explanation